『桃鉄』では、たとえば「北海道」「阿寒湖」「マリモ」。3つの知識が一気に頭に入ってくる (C)さくまあきら (C)Konami Digital Entertainment
『天穂のサクナヒメ』 「サクナヒメ」の成長を左右するのは「米の出来」 (C)2020 Edelweiss. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games / Marvelous USA, Inc. and Marvelous, Inc
『シティーズ:スカイライン』はPS4でも遊ぶことが可能 (C)2015-2017 and published by Paradox Interactive AB, CITIES: SKYLINES and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. Developed by Colossal Order Ltd. Adapted for PlayStation?4 by Tantalus Media Pty Ltd. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
『シティーズ:スカイライン』学校の配置なども市長の務め? 理想の市を創り上げるには一筋縄ではいかない (C)2015-2017 and published by Paradox Interactive AB, CITIES: SKYLINES and PARADOX INTERACTIVE are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB in Europe, the U.S., and other countries. Developed by Colossal Order Ltd. Adapted for PlayStation?4 by Tantalus Media Pty Ltd. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners.
Nintendo Switch用ソフト『コンストラクションシミュレーター 2&3 ダブルパック』 操縦できる重機は60台以上!(3goo)
Nintendo Switch用ソフト『桃太郎電鉄 ~昭和 平成 令和も定番!~』(KONAMI)
『天穂のサクナヒメ』 (C)2020 Edelweiss. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games / Marvelous USA, Inc. and Marvelous, Inc